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春节习俗:腊月二十四 掸尘扫房子

2016-01-19 15:18:08 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 小年
标签: 小年    春节   

The 24th day of the 12th month in Lunar Calendar: The folk saying goes like 腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子。



On this day, each family will thoroughly clean their house. This practice is similar to the modern idea of spring cleaning.


However, in Chinese folk belief, cleaning up the house does not only for the hygienic reason, but also for a symbolic one.


In Chinese, the word of dust (尘,chen) shares the exactly same pronunciation of the word of old ( 陈,chen). Thus, 掸尘 (dan chen), or to whisk the dust, symbolises the idea of getting rid of the old and set up the new, or 除陈布新 ( chu chen bu xin).


As such, it is very important that the floor is swept toward the door as this is symbolic of sweeping away all misfortune, diseases and suffering in the past year which is the ‘old’ year.



After a thorough cleaning, the house will not be cleaned during the beginning of Chinese New Year as this might cause good fortune to be swept away.


The two feather dusters (鸡毛掸子,ji mao dan zi), placed inside the porcelain vase, are used for cleaning up the furnitures and porcelains. But it is not easy to find nowadays mainly because the vacuum cleaner is more common.


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