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春节习俗:腊月二十五 推磨做豆腐

2016-01-19 15:16:59 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 小年
标签: 小年    春节   

The 25th day of the 12th month in Lunar Calendar: The folk saying goes like 腊月二十五,推磨做豆腐.


Why make 豆腐 (dou fu, beancurd, or tofu )?



As for the food itself, tofu is a very good substitution for meat. In the old days, poor people always looked forward to a feast of meat on New Year.However, they were often too poor to afford one. So they turned to tofu, which was ‘in between’ meat and vegetables and they could make various dishes from it instead of meat. 


Of course, there is a symbolic reason. The Chinese word 腐 has a similar pronunciation with the word of 福 ( fu, happiness) and 富 ( fu, wealth). Making tofu also means welcoming happiness and a good harvest in the new year.


Nowadays, people will not make their own tofu and they have many other choices of food. It is very common to see Chinese people pasting a paper cutting work of the Chinese character of 福 up side down on the window or door. By doing this, they actually express the same idea of welcoming happiness to their house.


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