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春节习俗:正月十三 点灯买灯笼

2016-01-21 15:05:28 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 幼儿启蒙
标签: 幼儿启蒙    小年    春节   

Today is the 13rd day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar. The preparation for Lantern Festival is still going on.



In the southern part of China, this day is the day to appreciate lanterns. On this day, Chinese people in an endless stream will go to Town God’s Temple (城隍庙, cheng huang miao) to appreciate lanterns.


And this is only the prologue of the lantern show of Lantern Festival.


There are many different kinds of lanterns besides the traditional red round lantern. The lantern show will normally start from today and end around the 18th day of Chinese new year.


A folk saying goes like: 13rd and 14th are for gods to enjoy lanterns, 15th and 16th are for ordinary people, whereas 17th and 18th are for the ghosts. (十三十四神看灯,十五十六人看灯,十七十八鬼看灯)


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