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春节习俗:正月十一 岳丈请女婿

2016-01-21 14:56:42 出处:乖乖网 作者:猫咪 幼儿启蒙
标签: 幼儿启蒙    小年    春节   

Today is the 11th day of the 1st month on Lunar Calendar. This day is for fathers-in-law (wife’s father) to entertain sons-in-law (wife’s husband). 



There is a lot of food left on the 9th day of the Chinese New Year when celebrating the birthday of the Jade Emperor, so the left over of that day can be used to entertain the sons-in law.


In many areas, after this day, people will start preparing for the upcoming Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day of Chinese New Year.


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