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双语故事:会爆炸的苹果An Explosive Apple
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The pig planted an apple tree. When autumn came, it bore many big and red apples. One day, the pig was resting under the tree , A bird came. The bird found the apple on the tree. She cried out excitedly: Great, Great, the pig's apple tree has so many apples. The bird found the apples on the tree. A fox heard the bird's acclaim,and came up the tree too. The apples made his mouth water. He said to the pig, the apples must be very swee. Could you give me some to eat? The pig looked at the greedy fox. He refused: No,if you want to eat apples, you should grow some yourself. But the fox was very lazy, he would never grow an apple tree himself. Then one day, he got a wicked idea,He tied some red balloons on a tree, and then ran to tell the pig. I have planted a new kind of apple tree. It beared apples in just few days. They are all both big and red. Now your apples can not compared with mine. Yours are too small. The pig was surprised about it, so he went to have a look,he stood under the tree. There really were some big apples on the tall tree. He wantd to grow this kind of apples too. He said to the fox. Let's change an apple, I want make it seed,the fox answered. I can only change one with you, but you must give me much more for one,ok, I'll give you three,the pig said,then he took three apples. The fox was going to climb up the tree to pick up his apple, all of this was seen by the bird,little pig. Don't be cheated by the fox. She said to herself, but how did the pig find out the truth. Now can you guess?

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