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双语故事:河马先生的魔术Mr. Hippo's Magic
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河马先生的魔术Mr. Hippo's Magic视频,河马先生的魔术Mr. Hippo's Magic儿童故事视频在线播放,乖乖网

Mr. Hippo’s Magic 河马先生的魔术

Mr. Hippo often wears a hat河马先生经常戴一顶帽子

He’s a great magicion他是个伟大的魔术家

Now he is performing on the stage他现在正在舞台上表演

He takes off his hat 他把他的帽子脱掉

and shows it to everybody显示给大家看

It’s empty inside帽子里面是空的

Then he puts a little 然后他拿一小块

handkerchief on it手帕放在帽子上

Now the rabbit puts 一只兔子正把

his hand inside it 他的手放进里面

And he catches one white pigeon他抓出来一只白鸽

The white pigeon flaps这只白鸽拍打

his wings and flies away他的翅膀飞走了

A fox sees this 一只狐狸看到这个

His mouth begins to water嘴里开始流口水了

He says You are great Mr. Hippo他说你是伟大的,河马先生

Could you please make 能请求您再变出

another pigeon to me 一只鸽子给我吗?

Then Mr. hippo covers the hat于是河马先生用那块手帕遮住帽子

with the handkerchief muttering 同时在口中念念有词得说着什么

at the same time

The fox runs up to the stage and says 狐狸跑上表演台说

Let me have a try this time这次让我试一下吧?

He can’t wait for Hippo’s answer他等不及河马先生的回答

And put his hands in the hat就把他的手放进帽子

He tires his best to seizes a pigeon他尽力得去抓住一只鸽子

But suddenly he cries out 但是突然他大叫起来

It is a hedgehog this time这次是一只刺猬

The hedgehog stabs him and runs away这只刺猬刺了他一下跑走了

The fox is hurt badly in his hand狐狸手上伤得很是严重

and everybody laughs at him大家看了都嘲笑他

Then he leaves the stage于是他离开了表演台

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